Sydney Opera House Concert Hall Renewal
Martin Mischkulnig

Sydney Opera House Concert Hall Renewal

ARM Architecture como Architect

In 2015, ARM was given the enormous responsibility and privilege of upgrading the iconic building’s Concert Hall. The project called for modifications that were sensitive and respectful of the heritage building, whilst elevating the acoustics to a world-class standard. Our overarching aim was to upgrade the Concert Hall interior and acoustics to match the brilliance of Jorn Utzon’s exterior and Peter Hall’s interior.

photo_credit Daniel Boud
Daniel Boud

ARM Principal Andrew Hayne describes the three principal goals for the project.

“First and foremost, the goal was to improve the acoustics of the Concert Hall. Second, was to improve the functionality of the room itself, to be able to cater for different types of performances and make the changeovers between different types of performance less human-dependent and more automated. And the third was making it more accessible for people – because it was obviously built in a different era when accessibility wasn’t front of mind.”

photo_credit Martin Mischkulnig
Martin Mischkulnig

To improve the acoustics in the Concert Hall, adjustments were required for both the audience members and the musicians on stage. With our acoustic consultants Müller BBM, ARM designed a series of acoustic ‘petals’ suspended over the stage to reflect sound in different directions and highly textured wall panels that are tactile, beautiful and most importantly disperse sound evenly throughout the Concert Hall.

photo_credit Martin Mischkulnig
Martin Mischkulnig

“There are 12 acoustic petals immediately over the orchestra that are there specifically for the musicians themselves, to reflect that early energy back to them so they can hear each other and themselves… and then there are four larger ones at the front which will be angled out towards the audience, and their role is very much to push that acoustic energy up and to the very far reaches of the hall. There are also two at the southern end which are designed to reflect energy to the choir.

photo_credit Anna Kucera
Anna Kucera

The stage has been lowered by 40 centimeters, greatly improving sightlines for everyone sitting in the stalls as well as aiding projection of the sound. New automatic risers on the stage for musicians are not only about making it quick to set up, but it is absolutely an acoustic improvement as well. The musicians will be tiered properly so different sections of the orchestra can hear each other better.”

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