MGR is an architecture studio, focused on the virtual representation of the built space. The possibility to visualize the exterior of our minds, what is being projected and sharing it, is the design world, a completely indispensable tool for creators. Far from the purest object representation and trying to raise the full set in all its’ forms of represantation to an art status, one can find an inherence between the work and its’ spread.The constant flux of changing trends and new technologies in constant evolution, places us in the heart of a new designed era marked by a strong eclecticism, where the young conflagration between the analog and virtual world seems to reach it’s end.The result: versatility and visual richness from the union between the avant-guarde and tradition.The needs of such representation does not relieve it neither from the right to quality nor from a photographic composition, trying to approach and offer a handcrafted distinction against other froms of inphographic representation
Our Projects
Espai MGR Offices
Espai MGR
n/a, Spain