Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos
Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos
Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos

Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos

The Mendoza-based Bórmida Yanzón Studio is recognized as one of the world’s leading references in wine architecture. Founded in 1972 by architects Eliana Bórmida and Mario Yanzón, it has specialized in wineries, agro-industrial and hotel architecture, with works and consultancy services in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, France, Rusia and Portugal. From 1988 to the present, the studio’s portfolio includes over 30 winery projects, the majority of which are located in the foothills of the Andes mountains. This constitutes a milestone in Argentina’s viticulture history, given that they have accompanied the positioning of the nation’s wines in globalized markets as the exponents of a new era, marked by innovation, high quality, identity and sustainability.
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Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos Offices
Bormida Yanzon Arquitectos
+54 9 261 634 1309