Indoor stairs


All About Indoor Stairs

Indoor stairs are one of the many ways in which one can enhance the exuberance of their interiors. Whether it is commercial property or residential, indoor stairs can be the most challenging element to design and construct. The design involves the calculation of the number of steps, with their rise and tread dimensions. These dimensions depend on the distance between floors, the slope and the head room. Ultra-modern interior stair designs when artistically built, can give a totally new meaning to interiors.

Modern indoor stairs can be fabricated in one place and then installed at a designated location. These stairs, apart from offering a striking visual statement, are also durable and easy to manage. These can be designed in a way to gel with flooring and wall colours.

Constructing indoor stairs basically facilitate access from one floor to another. The benefits of indoor stairs are many depending on the design and type of material chosen. Multi-storey residential buildings as well as commercial spaces have seen a spike in popularity and the credit goes to indoor stairs. These stairs, with comparatively smaller flights, are now extensively used as library ladders and loft ladders to conserve space in compact interiors. The space under the staircase can also be used for storage. One cannot ignore the health benefits - ascending and descending the stairs essentially means cardiovascular exercise.

With several design options available for indoor stairs, one can make a substantial difference to home interiors. The most popular type of indoor stairs are a straight staircase, quarter and half turn stairs with landings and open-well staircases for multi-storey staircases, winder stairs and bifurcated stairs which are divided into narrow flights at mid-landing. All of these different stair types are suitable for residential or commercial applications. There are complex staircases, like spiral and curved staircases. Indoor stairs come with a spread-out material palette too, ranging from concrete to wood and steel to stone. 

Staircases need regular and elaborate maintenance and inspection for safety and aesthetics. Check for any creaking treads, damaged spindles and splinters, loose railings, balusters and posts. If found, these must be fixed immediately. Also keep an eye out for powdery deposits, worn out nosings on the front of treads and rust stain in case of metal stairs. For wooden staircases take special care against termites and avoid moisture retention. Dusting and mopping the surface of stairs and railings on a regular basis are essential as part of basic maintenance and hygiene. Reach out for expert opinion when in case of doubt.

A beautiful indoor staircase is more than just a series of stairs which adds class and a decor to an interior. Modern indoor stairs with excellent finish are an exceptional addition which radiates warmth and provides an eye catching appearance.