

All about Canopies

People enjoy looking at a building when the architecture is done right. Curb appeal is a very vital aesthetic element of a building. Architectural aesthetics can be enhanced in several ways. One of the most practical and affordable ways to improve the curb appeal and functionality of a building is incorporating canopies into a building structure. Certainly one of the most suitable options that can meet various design needs, canopy systems are capable of providing appreciable energy savings, along with excellent weather protection.

Canopies bring benefits that go far beyond aesthetic value They are also an excellent way of reducing heat gain by 55% to 75% percent, thereby lowering the load on air conditioner. This advantage translates into high energy savings.

Chaotic urban settings easily create confusion when it comes to finding the entrance of a building. Architectural canopies clearly show people where the entrance is and they provide a seamless, refined appearance to a building entrance.   

Easy incorporation of artwork is another benefit offered by a canopy. It is easy to display the name, logo and thematic artwork of a business on an architectural canopy. As a building element, it adds to overall design and reflects or contrasts the look and feel of a building. In a nutshell, a canopy can either standout or blend with the overall design.

Canopies are incredibly flexible and versatile in terms of looks. Canopy systems are available in a broad range of styles and designs to meet the varying needs of different types of buildings. Creative architects and designers develop innovative and fascinating designs for modern and sophisticated architectural canopy systems that are capable of incorporating structure, graphics, texture, color, light and shape in a cost efficient manner.  

Long lasting results can be achieved with modern canopy elements. A canopy is certainly a key architectural statement for a building entrance. During inclement weather conditions, canopies meet shelter and safety requirements of building occupants,thus reducing the impact of liability to building owner. As key markers on commercial buildings, framed canopies are a great option because they work as a key visual beacon that can be easily identified by visitors as well as employees. 

Different types of materials are used to make architectural canopy systems. The most popular material choices are aluminum plate, point-supported glass, photovoltaic panels, laminated glass and FRP sandwich panels. The use of polycarbonate glazing in an aluminum skylight system brings natural translucent light to a canopy. Architects are also known to select photovoltaic panels or aluminum plate to offer an exclusive cladding option as an effective replacement for traditional building materials.

The Best Canopies Brands on Archello

No matter whether you are an architect, interior designer, building owner or a construction contractor; you can use our product selector to discover the most suitable canopy solution that fulfills your unique project objectives. Please feel free to have a detailed discussion with us.