Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc.
Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc.
Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc.

Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc.

Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc. (KMA) is an award winning architectural design practice founded in 1982 by Carol Kleinfeldt and Roman Mychajlowycz. KMA has extensive experience in the area of secure institutional facilities however considers their specialty to be in the service of the public sector rather than a specific typology. Research and development are essential to the design of quality architecture and as such, KMA actively pursue manufacturers, product developers, material advancements and new construction techniques to provide the most current solutions for their clients.
Our Projects
Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc. Offices
Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc. Toronto
147 Portland Street, Toronto, Canada