Figurr Architects Collective
Figurr Architects Collective
Figurr Architects Collective

Figurr Architects Collective

A community, a team, a collaborative. Our identity perfectly illustrates our primary creative process: a collaborative approach that opens the way for the ideas, skills, and cultures of each and every member of the team. With more than 40 employees, our team encompasses members with Anglo- and Franco-Canadian roots, to staff with world-wide origins bringing a vast range of culturally diverse talent to our collaborative. Members are welcomed into the team for the richness they bring to the process. The firm refers to itself as an "architects collective" specifically to reflect this particular reality. Both proudly creative and a passionate champion of technical detail, Figurr puts its heart into each of its architectural proposals and solutions. The architecture firm has an unquestionable passion for how it develops the work it creates. Focused on making its clients—rather than itself—look good, Figurr imbues itself in its clients' philosophy and aspirations. By taking the time to explore and draw from our clients’ very DNA, our team is truly able to create buildings and spaces that are an extension of Figurr's and our clients’ values.
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Our Projects
Figurr Architects Collective Offices
Figurr Architects Collective
514 861-5122
Montreal, QC, Canada
Figurr Architects Collective
613 695-6122
Ottawa, ON, Canada