Archello Awards 2024 open for entry · Early Bird gets 25% off
Archello Awards 2024 open for entry
Early Bird gets 25% off


An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about malmo

Project • By KossmanndejongExhibitions

Growth, what is that?

Growth is something we all strive for. But is what we call growth actually growth? The “market” acts as an authority and point of reference in our lives. It has taken hostage of our common idea of growth. To endure the pain, we collectively embark on a quest of “fixing the problem”, using the same approach that got us into this mess in the first place. We anxiously mend and maintain this idea of growth by adding prefixes: sustainable, equal, social, green, etc. Like a fairy tale no one believes in anymore but still needs to pursue. Complex, deeply intermeshed global issues are eroding our hard-wired societal systems. This calls for another line of reasoning. Kossmanndejong Labyrinthine Mesh Growth, what is tha... More

Project • By GIPP arkitekturWorkshops


MARIN EDUCATIONAL CENTERRibersborgsstranden, MalmöThe marine educational center stretches out along Ribersborgsstranden shore, where city and landscape meet. A concrete floor is laid out level with the sand. Sand from the shore is mixed into the concrete to give it the same color and reflecting qualities. From the floor a constellation of solid volumes rise up to lift the room underneath the massive, reed-covered roof just above the horizon.The interstitial spaces created between the floor, the roof and the volumes open onto the surrounding nature, transmit light and provide visibility through towards the horizon. The activity of the marine educational center unfold for anyone who dwells on the shore, while at the same time this activity fr... More
Studio Malmö
Studio Malmö
Studio Malmö
Studio Malmö
Studio Malmö

Project • By Schmidt Hammer Lassen architectsOffices

Studio Malmö

Studio is an ambitious project which will significantly enrich Malmö’s city life. Studio is a 55 metres tall, fourteen-storey structure that is essentially flexible to function as a mixed-use building, accommodating bars, cafés, restaurant, a hotel, retail outlets, offices, a conference hall and a multifunctional hall, all under one roof. Studio will be a natural focal point and a catalyst of the ongoing regeneration of the Malmö harbour area. It will be a landmark buzzing with life and activities, both day and night. The architectural expression of the new centre is a clear geometric building. The design allows the building to fit in alongside its contemporary and historic neighbours. The building is located as part of Universitetsho... More