Felderman Keatinge & Associates
Felderman Keatinge & Associates
Felderman Keatinge & Associates

Felderman Keatinge & Associates

Known for looking to the future for design inspiration, FKA’s innovative approach inevitably will be relevant well into the 21st Century – a primary objective of the firm. “We are passionate about envisioning and embracing the future. “Our focus is on creating inspiring spaces that authenticate who our clients are. We co-create the environments together. Nancy keatinge and Stanley Felderman’s work has been exhibited in a show entitled “workspheres”at the Museum of Modern Art, as well the Whitney Museum in New York and “Future Furniture”at the Newport Habror Art Museum. Nancy Keatinge and Stanley Felderman have been asked to teach and lecture for organizations such as the Salone Internazionale Della Sedia in Udine, Italy; Neocon in Chicago, several AIA chapters, the Newport Harbor Art Museum, the University of California at Irvine and Los Angeles, as well as the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.
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Felderman Keatinge & Associates Escritórios
Felderman Keatinge & Associates Los Angeles
9503 Jefferson blvd, Culver City, CA 90232