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Archello Awards 2024 open for entry
Early Bird gets 25% off

Restaurant tables


All about Restaurant Tables

A restaurant is a place where customers enjoy their free time and may want to sit for long hours. Restaurant tables are different than non-commercial tables as these are meant for the heavy usage. Restaurant tables are made to handle wear and tear and produce long lasting results. Restaurant tables may include top covers for a stylish look as well as serving the purpose of eating and even occasionally working too. 

The choice of restaurant table depends on the various factors like the space in the restaurant, capacity required, and budget. There is a huge variety of such tables available on the market.  Table shapes can vary from round shapes to square or rectangular shapes. It is also important to remember that restaurant tables need to be extremely sturdy and resistant. The reason being that multiple customers tend to use restaurant tables throughout the day. If the material used in making a restaurant table is not of good quality, the table will wear out easily and in many cases cause chipping, stains, scratches and even cracks. 

When it comes to designing a restaurant, furnishings play an important part in adding to aesthetic value. A good choice of furniture, especially a restaurant table leaves a positive impression on customers.  Restaurant tables should be chosen with care and precision as they are not only useful for various purposes but also carry the aesthetic value of the restaurant. 

The best ‘Restaurant Tables’ brands on Archello.

Whether you are an architect or engineer, contractor of builder, we invite you to explore our product selector to be inspired and supported in specifying ‘Restaurant Tables’ in your next project.