Refinery Rooftop

OpenAire als Fabrikant

The owners of Refinery HotelRooftop bar in Manhattan, New York wanted to fashion a unique, year-round hangout that drew upon the best of “inside-out” design. For their Rooftop Bar and Lounge, they needed a distinctive touch of luxury to complement the industrial aesthetic of their building. To standout from their competitors, they saw that innovative design would have to blend in with historic architectural detail. They envisioned having a unique element for their Rooftop Bar and Lounge that boutique hotel clientele could appreciate and enjoy.


OpenAire designed, manufactured and installed a retractable glass roof that enhanced guests’ views of New York’s city sunsets. Guests can now take in the cinematic skyline of Manhattan and the Empire State Building, while relaxing with cocktails or a glass of wine from the bar’s premium wine list. New and repeat guests at the Refinery Hotel have welcomed and claimed the Rooftop Bar and Lounge as a space of their own. The retractable skylight has become a natural focal point of their stay, with evening hours spent unwinding with cocktails, while enjoying unfiltered access to the Manhattan skyline.


The Refinery Hotel Rooftop’s retractable roof features a lea-to-enclosure with bi-parting roof, measuring 24’-4” x 40’-5”, with a 40’-5” x 12’-5” high front wall. The roof was installed along a 7.72 degree slope, with four dividing roof sections each measuring 10’-0”.Two sections bi-part up to 50 per cent from the center, moving outward and “parking” over the fixed end bays.

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