Novatec Group Offices
Juan F. González


Tiovivo Creativo come Architetti di Interni

Contact with tiovivo creativo company is contact with uniqueness, personalization and creativity. That's what thought Novatec, a company very consolidated in automotive sector with more than 10 years of experience, specialized in the manufacture of plastic injection components. Novatec was looking the way to capture their experience and identity in their facilities located in Náquera (Valencia), more specifically in the office area.

As we discover the company´s facilities and their different manufacturing processes, we realized the high organizational and technological level necessary to "assemble" all perfectly. This concept, along with the sophisticated installation equipment, was the key to design this space.


We´ve tried transmit the order and effectiveness in the company neuralgic area, through a framework of steel metal structures, which in turn it provide us the distribution and zoning of space. As can be seen, exist a spinal column depicting the manufacturing process as if it were an assembly line. The structure consists of a "technological tangle" which is divided into 5 "arms", one for each demanded team by the customer (logistics, projects, production, quality and engineering / design). Thanks to the distribution created through the metal structure, and separators / glass writing boards, we achieve some privacy for each team members, but in turn, an easy communication between them. Thus we get, as if it were a chain production, "engage" the team work perfectly.


For create space, we have played with polymers and metals mostly, referring to manufacturing materials employed by the company. Of this way, everything has the same language, all the whole plays the same role.

The design creates a complex geometric space that, linked to transparency, to indirect lighting, to glass and to the white background, it creates a dynamic and industrial space, but at the same time an elegant space. The design will transport you to inside of the machine and will make you part of it...

The basic colors used are black and white, with touches of red, blue and yellow colors to highlight certain areas. White color gives us amplitude and light to the space, playing the role of "canvas", and it helps us give prominence to central metal part. For connect with the industrial process, it used the black color, represented on metallic materials of structure. The red hue distributed on the space, helps subconsciously remember the company corporate color, giving presence to the whole. The blue, yellow and red colors transport us to traditional children's geometric figures games and there is nothing better than fun while working.

Crediti Progetto
Architetti di Interni
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