Historia de Bracknell Roofing
Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto

ElementoMarcaNombre Del Producto
Keller Minimal WindowsIQ Glass UK
SIPS panelsKingspan Group
Roof manufacturersBracknell Roofing
SanitarywareC.P. Hart

Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto
por VOLA
Keller Minimal Windows
SIPS panels
por Duravit
Roof manufacturers
por C.P. Hart

142, rue du Sud

Sandy Rendel Architects Ltd como Arquitectos

El arquitecto Sandy Rendel ha completado el 142 de South Street, una nueva casa situada en el pintoresco Parque Nacional de South Downs, a orillas del río Ouse, en Lewes, East Sussex.


Sustituyendo un taller abandonado en un terreno baldío que históricamente sirvió de muelle para la antigua cantera y la planta de cemento que hay detrás, la casa ocupa un lugar importante a la entrada del pueblo. La autoridad de planificación local aspiraba a tener un edificio "emblemático" para marcar la entrada a la ciudad y estipulaba un diseño audaz. Como el primer edificio que ves, es muy visible desde la aproximación a la A26, así como a través del río y subiendo a Cliffe Hill.


Situada en una larga y estrecha franja de la orilla del río con vistas a la Reserva Natural de Railway Land, la casa revestida de acero Corten tiene un telón de fondo de acantilados blancos. Construida sobre el muro de hormigón enlucido del río, la casa de cinco dormitorios tiene amplias vistas al sur y al oeste sobre el río y la llanura de inundación baja. La fachada de tiza de Cliffe Hill se eleva abruptamente hacia el este, proporcionando un imponente telón de fondo.


El cuerpo principal de la casa se caracteriza por una sencilla estructura de dos pisos, con techo de pendiente asimétrica, con una cresta tallada para romper su escala y reflejar los contornos de la cara del acantilado detrás de ella. El sencillo plan ha sido sutilmente distorsionado en cada extremo para atraer vistas clave y para proporcionar una terraza cubierta en el extremo sur y un patio protegido en la entrada, que reduce el ruido del camino adyacente.


Haciendo hincapié en la forma del edificio, se seleccionó cuidadosamente una sencilla paleta de materiales autofinanciados para que fuera robusta y naturalmente resistente a la intemperie, desarrollando un carácter que reflejara las cualidades del lugar y su entorno. En la planta baja, junto al río, el marco de hormigón expuesto está construido con hormigón marcado con tablas, haciendo eco del tono y la textura del robusto muro de hormigón in situ del río que hay debajo. En contraste, la fachada de la calle presenta muros de ladrillo de Sussex hechos a mano y esmaltados en ceniza, tradicionales en la ciudad, que dan a la calle una textura más suave y una escala más íntima.


El techo y las paredes exteriores del primer piso están envueltos en una piel continua de celosía de acero corten expandido que articula la forma del volumen superior. El aspecto homogéneo de la superficie oculta canaletas, aleros y otros elementos arquitectónicos tradicionales, lo que da como resultado un detalle limpio y preciso. En contraste con los tonos apagados de la base de la mampostería de abajo, la Corten Decorative Rainscreen se viste naturalmente de un llamativo color rojo ocre, con una sutil variedad de tonos y texturas. La malla hace eco del color de los ladrillos rojos suaves y las tejas de arcilla locales, mientras que se mantiene distintiva, aludiendo al patrimonio industrial de la región.


Se accede a la casa de 257 m2 a través de un pequeño patio, seguido de un espectacular pasillo cerrado con tablones de roble aserrado ennegrecidos. Desde aquí, el interior se abre al caminar por la casa, y las paredes de las ventanas sin marco del piso al techo revelan vastas vistas del río y de la reserva natural que hay más allá. Desarrollado en estrecha colaboración con Jeremy Pitts Design, el revestimiento de las paredes de roble y el trabajo de los molinos se extiende al espacio vital abierto. El uso de diferentes tratamientos enfatiza aún más las cualidades del material y permite que la pátina se desarrolle con el uso a lo largo del tiempo. Complementando el interior de roble, un terrazo gris medio se extiende por toda la planta baja y conecta, a través del acristalamiento, con el zócalo del pavimento exterior del edificio.


La disposición es flexible para adaptarse a los cambios que se producen a medida que la joven familia crece. Las tres salas centrales de la primera planta, conectadas entre sí, permitirán diferentes configuraciones a lo largo del tiempo, sin necesidad de alterar físicamente el edificio.


142 South Street es una casa familiar duradera y contemporánea que aprovecha al máximo las espectaculares y amplias vistas del río hacia el centro de la ciudad y la llanura de inundación del río. La forma y el perfil característicos de la casa contribuyen positivamente a su entorno y se suman al rico patrimonio arquitectónico de la ciudad.

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Grand Designs project Lewes East Sussex

Bracknell Roofing como Roof manufacturers

Channel 4’s Grand Designs showcases year-long build of contemporary property • Bracknell Roofing provides roofing membrane solution to underpin ambitious architectural vision

Roofing specialist, Bracknell Roofing has played a crucial part in the development and construction of a striking new contemporary home recently built on the outskirts of Lewes in East Sussex.

The subject of an episode of Channel 4’s Grand Designs series, the outstanding five bed detached property was designed by Sandy Rendel Architects. It has been constructed on the banks of a river on an 11m wide plot, and owes its stunning architectural concept to the use of self-weathering steel mesh as the external building and roofing cladding material.

The perforated steel mesh provides a vivid bronzed visual effect that is not only striking in appearance, but also reflects the past industrial heritage of the site which had previously housed a cement factory. The cladding requires no further maintenance, but instead is allowed to age and change colour as the steel weathers at its own pace.

Bracknell Roofing was tasked with constructing the watertight roofing membrane onto which the steel mesh cladding would sit.

Steve Morris, Bracknell Roofing’s Contracts Manager, explains: “This was an innovative and design-led project. With the eventual steel cladding the architectural visual high point of the build, our role was to ensure that the roofing membrane which sat underneath was robust and effective and provided the highest level of waterproofing required, so the project could achieve the design aspirations of all involved.”

The property was designed with two low level flat roofs and a two storey main roof expanse which included a 45 degree pitch. The robust solution provided by Bracknell Roofing’s team of highly-trained specialists included deck plywood, a polythene vapour barrier, mechanically fixed 120 mm insulation board and the specification of a fixing system across the entire roof space. This involved the use of lightweight solar rails which would act as the fixing base profiles for the steel cladding finish.

The expert team from Bracknell Roofing worked together to ensure the installation of the roof membrane was delivered on time to enable the full build to stay on track. The team also delivered the project while meeting the specific challenges of the valley gutter, which runs through the middle of the roofing expanse as part of a design intended to reflect the rooflines of neighbouring properties.

Marc Bates, Contracts Manager at Myriad Construction, comments: “Innovative construction projects, such as this new house in Lewes, offer particular challenges. In this case, it was the use of the weathered steel mesh as the building and roofing cladding material of choice. We were able to deliver such a striking build thanks to the professionalism and expertise of Bracknell Roofing who delivered a highly-effective and innovative membrane solution that supports the stunning exterior to the building.”

Bracknell Roofing is part of the Etex Group, a major European construction company, and works as both a principal contractor and sub-contractor, depending on customer needs.

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142 South Street

Inglis Hall como Internal joinery

Inglis Hall were delighted to be asked to accept the commission of the internal architecture for Steven and Anita’s extraordinary house in Lewes. Working closely with the design team, and very strong guidance from the clients, we fulfilled the brief of building the entrance hall, kitchen, cupboards and staircase in real materials and meticulous detailing. The client approached Inglis Hall as recognised specialists in bespoke architectural interiors in Sussex. Steven had absolute clarity of vision and a near obsessive eye for detail which made this project particularly rewarding for us to work on. Our in-depth conversations with Steven at each stage of the design and build process meant we could meet his requirements with absolute precision.


The design combined the textures and colours of raw sawn oak, and blackened sawn oak. The blackened oak followed an ancient recipe, using iron filings in vinegar to react with the tannins in the oak to stain the sawn surface. This process was quite a learning curve for IH, but one we enjoyed very much. The contrast of light and dark sawn oak was used to great effect, most noticeably the transition from the dark and blackened entrance hall, stepping out into the fully glazed and wonderfully light main living space with the pale oak clad walls and joinery. The durability, beauty and resilience of English oak was used throughout the project.


Our close working relationship with local supplier of sustainable timber, English Woodlands Timber, was critical in ensuring we had exactly the right selection of English Oak to achieve the desired effect. Wetook the time and care to hand select the very best timber for maximum effect with a mixture of quarter sawn and crown cut boards, to give as much visual variation as possible.This project needed to combine beauty and strength, the hallmark of all our work. For cladding, we selected timber with tight knots which is not only more interesting to look at but withstands the process of power-sawing.


We developed a strong personal rapport with Steven and Anita during the project and have been lucky enough to be invited back to their house for several delicious suppers. It is a wonderful space to spend time in. Floor to ceiling glass on three sides, with views up the Ouse towards Newhaven, and back towards the town it is a truly inspirational project. My personal favourite detail is the blackened oak handrail, which picks back up the black as a crisp line leading you up the oak staircase. It’s this attention to detail that made it such a great project for Inglis Hall, and made it such a success.

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