ThoughtCraft Architects
ThoughtCraft Architects
ThoughtCraft Architects

ThoughtCraft Architects

Our name reflects our mission to create thoughtful and well-crafted architecture that enhances the human experience. We balance innovation and spirited exploration with logic and precision. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions that encourage a dialogue between the past and a better future.Originally founded as CUBE design + research in 2005, ThoughtCraft’s founding partners have deep roots. Chris Johns and Jason Hart studied together through three stages of design education, in Florida and at M.I.T., and practiced together at two studios before founding their own firm. ThoughtCraft’s unique research process was born from these common experiences and refined over years of collaboration. A host of talented designers have joined us in our offices in Boston, MA and Chapel Hill, NC, enriching ThoughtCraft’s perspective and growing our capacity.

Our Projects
ThoughtCraft Architects Offices
CUBE design + research Boston
617 848 2602
30 Kneeland Street 4th Floor, Boston, United States