Studio 4e
Angelo Geloso
Studio 4e
Studio 4e

Studio 4e

The firm Architettura 4e [Architecture 4e] was founded in 1996 from the collaboration of the architects Fabio Costanzo and Maria Rosaria Piazza. It deals with public and private architectural design, renovation and interior design, mounting exhibitions and industrial design projects. Together they have participated in shows and architectural competitions. The firm’s design research envisions architecture an art that generates emotion, where the knowledge of technique cannot be disassociated from poetry. Their work favours care with details and a study of design that is attentive to particulars and construction traditions, with research directed to the masterly use of materials and technological innovation in the field of environmental sustainability.
Our Projects
Studio 4e Offices
Studio 4e Partanna (TP) Via Trieste
(+39) 347.5987285
Palermo Via Umbria, 8 - 90144, Partanna (TP) Via Trieste, Italy