Queeste is opgericht in 1999 in wordt geleid by Roland Hoekstra (1971) in Jeroen Trimbos (1954). We have lived in more than 100 years or more of monuments located in the center of Den Haag.

Said to inspire the laboratory, it is an open structure for internal communication. Discuss, find out, listen to, and think about and cultivate when it comes to life. No word of enkele oplossing gekoesterd, maar eerder het palet aan mogelijkheden dat elke opgave en zich draagt. Synergy puts the best possible action on vital roles. The result of the dynamic response is dat geen specifieke stijl op de voorgrond staat. What are some of the styles that do not contain the most common vocabulary of an architect?

Our team of architects and architects is always present in our office. We have opened 20 years of flexibility and flexibility in terms of economy. Hierdoor zijn we er goed in geworden op elke vraag een passend antwoord te geven.

Our Projects
queeste Offices
Queeste architecten
The Hague, Netherlands