Philipp Architekten
Philipp Architekten
Philipp Architekten

Philipp Architekten

A PASSION FOR HOUSES - there's nothing more significant to describe what our architect's office is about: houses - simple, yet complex. The archetype of all construction is our passion. That's what we stand for. On this we work holistically with a team of architects and engineers. Center of our designing is the human being. We understand architecture as a second skin, which must be tailored. At the same time it's essential to reflect the unique character of the location. The goal is a harmonious triad of mankind, nature and architecture The focus and specialisation on houses and villas is faced by a wide diversification in the range of services offered. We not only design the house but also like to take over the responsibility for the entire interior and exterior design
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Our Projects
Philipp Architekten Offices
Philipp Architekten
Waldenburg, Germany
Philipp Architekten
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Philipp Architekten AG
Zürich, Switzerland