Mario Cucinella Architects
Moreno Maggi
Mario Cucinella Architects
Mario Cucinella Architects

Mario Cucinella Architects

MCA design architecture that, through research, the use of innovative technologies, and professional skill, embodies an ideal of architectural quality integrating environmental sustainability, ethics and a positive social impact. MCA, Mario Cucinella Architects, founded in 1992 in Paris and in Bologna in 1999, is a company with a solid experience at the forefront of contemporary design and research. Partners Mario Cucinella, and Elizabeth Francis lead an international team of architects, engineers and designers. MCA has an integrated approach to design work based on close collaboration with multi-disciplinary consultants to create an innovative and appropriate design response for every project and clients requirements. MCA develops projects at different scales, from building design to product design, from environmental and technological research to large-scale urban projects. Sustainable building design and the rational use of energy is one of the central concerns in MCA's work and research. The environmental quality of designs is analysed and developed using specialized software and model testing in order to produce buildings of architectural quality with state of the art energy performance.
Our Projects
Mario Cucinella Architects Offices
Mario Cucinella Architects S.r.l Bologna
Via Francesco Flora 6, Bologna, Italy