LeuWebb Projects
LeuWebb Projects

LeuWebb Projects

LeuWebb Projects is the creative union between artists Christine Leu and Alan Webb, through which they mobilize their professional design backgrounds to produce moments of beauty in the public realm. Since 2011, they have created more than 20 site-specific artworks across the world. With each piece, Leu and Webb summon their shared artistic and architectural expertise in exploring how a site’s qualities can serve as metaphors for storytelling and critical discourse. They fuse this expertise with their core interests: to imagine how art and design can tangibly evoke past, current, and future narratives for a richer experience of place. Art and architecture share an integral relationship, meeting at many points including visual, spatial and auditory expression. The unique gaze of LeuWebb Projects lives within the space shared by art and architecture, their practice fueling hybrid forms and new directions within the contemporary visual arts tradition. LeuWebb’s artistic practice operates at a range of scales and their curatorial and original installation and sculpture projects have garnered international attention for ingenuity and resonance, both in form and concept. Their immersive, multi-modal environments are never limited to a familiar set of materials, often instead inspired by the visceral qualities of the site itself. Light, texture and sound are key components of their practice that they weave together through the innovative use of materials and responsive technologies to create art that is not only seen, but also experienced.
Our Projects
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LeuWebb Projects