Yes, we admit we are proud of our reputation. We worked very hard to earn it. We realize the community we live in is ours to nurture and protect. Our firm’s success is grounded on the principle of integrity and the standard of excellence. We are committed to exceptional design that enhances not only our client’s business, but the quality of our community and the environment. At HBA, each project is the beginning of a journey…a relationship that will span the next 2, 3 or even 4 years. Our team is hands-on from beginning to end. We follow your project from planning and design, through construction and occupancy. The people you interview are going to be the same people walking your construction site. This sets us above the rest…and helps you plan your future with knowledge, foresight, and ease. Because of our commitment to client services, 90% of our work is with repeat clients. Pretty impressive isn’t it? For HBA, it's par for the course. We pride ourselves on client satisfaction and loyalty. Here are a few organizations that have recognized our efforts: City of Virginia Beach Planning Commission :: Hampton Roads Association for Commercial Real Estate National School Board Association :: Department of Defense :: Inside Business Magazine - chosen twice as one of the Top 10 “Best Places to Work in Hampton Roads”
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HBA Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach, United States