Enlace Arquitectura
Enlace Arquitectura

Enlace Arquitectura

The office was founded by Elisa Silva in 2007. Elisa has a Master of Architecture degree from Harvard University. She has worked in New York, Boston, Atlanta, Madrid, Rome and Caracas. She received the Rome Prize from the American Academy in 2005, the Wheelwright Fellowship from Harvard University in 2011 and the Graham Foundation Individual Grant in 2017. She is co-author of CABA: Cartography of the Caracas Barrios 1966-2014 that received the Andres Bello Award from the Simon Bolivar University in 2016; Pro-Inclusion, edited by CAF and presented at the United Nations Habitat III conference in Quito 2016; and various publications by Fundación Espacio. The publication Pure Space: expanding the Public Sphere through Public Space Transformations in Latin American Informal Settlements is work in progress and is supported by the Graham Foundation and CAF Latin American development bank. Elisa is professor in architecture at the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas Venezuela and design critic in landscape architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
Our Projects
Enlace Arquitectura Offices
Enlace Arquitectura
La Media Legua 1167, Vargas, Venezuela, Bolivarian