Dessin Fournir Companies
Dessin Fournir Companies
Dessin Fournir Companies

Dessin Fournir Companies

Over twenty years ago, we founded Dessin Fournir and began clarifying our vision of what we wanted Dessin Fournir to be—a business that would bring to market beautifully designed products unrivaled in quality and a company that would offer a level of service unknown in today's marketplace. Dessin Fournir would not be a look. Rather, we would be a unique resource for a design community that I believe still longs for authentic beauty, quality and service. That vision has not changed. While economics may tempt one to work more quickly, to build more cheaply, we have chosen to preserve an Old World legacy of craftsmanship elsewhere forgotten. Our collection has expanded, but we continue to be passionate about preserving the traditions of fine furniture making and a way of doing business nearly lost. Our philosophy of preservation extends beyond the design and manufacture of furniture, lighting and textiles to encompass our choice to base our business in Kansas. Here, we live and work in a small town with a great quality of life, a rural community that we've helped to revitalize by creating jobs and renovating downtown buildings, which are now home to thriving shops and cafés. As with design, it's about being true to what matters. Trusting our original instincts, Len and I along with the many others at Dessin Fournir remain true to the standards defined at the beginning and to our dedication to design professionals. We will continue to provide the best in home furnishings as well as superior service.
Dessin Fournir Companies Product
Moelis Bed
Moelis Bed Dessin Fournir Companies
Dimensions Headboard: 59 1/2"H Height: 99 1/2" Material Walnut, Crotch Walnut Veneer Finish Shown W-11
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Projects with Products from Dessin Fournir Companies

Inspiration in Furniture

Member Promotion
Exhibition Homecity at Arken Museum, Ishøj
GRID System
Exhibition Homecity at Arken Museum, Ishøj
GRID System
Exhibition Homecity at Arken Museum, Ishøj
GRID System
Le Dune Piscinas
Le Dune Piscinas
Le Dune Piscinas
Le Dune Piscinas
Le Dune Piscinas
Courtesy of Pedrali
Courtesy of Pedrali
Courtesy of Pedrali
Courtesy of Pedrali
Courtesy of Pedrali
Dessin Fournir Companies Offices
Dessin Fournir Companies Plainville
N/A, Plainville, United States
Furniture Brands
Milano Bedding
Milano Bedding is a brand founded in 1996 from the experience of Kover, a company which for thirty years has been a leading manufacturer of sofa beds, beds and mattresses. In collaboration with several designers Milano Bedding has wanted, s...
Solid Bench
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In 1947 Carlo Barassi, engineer of Pirelli, together with Renato Teani, in the financial dpt. of Pirelli, Pio Reggiani and Aldo Bai, founded the company Ar-flex (“flexible furniture”), which became later arflex. They worked together with a...
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