Degli Esposti Architetti
Degli Esposti Architetti
Degli Esposti Architetti

Degli Esposti Architetti

Degli Esposti Architetti is a leading partnership practicing architecture, urbanism and infrastructure design, founded in 2006 by Lorenzo Degli Esposti and Paolo Lazza, based in Milan. Degli Esposti Architetti’s refined approach to design is the outcome of continuous research and practice, from early works in collaboration with the primary figures of the XX Century architecture up to the current projects. Degli Esposti Architetti’s project is on the palazzo in urban and metropolitan contexts (for dwellings, offices, mixed use), thanks to both a broad practical experience (several built works and commissions) and fundamental studies on historical precedents and contemporary examples, in Milan and other world cities.

Our Projects
Degli Esposti Architetti Offices
Degli Esposti Architetti
Via Mauro Macchi, 6, 20124 Milano, MI, Italy