Cidade Arquitetura
Cidade Arquitetura
Cidade Arquitetura

Cidade Arquitetura

Cidade Arquitetura is formed by three friends who met in the first year of college, and we've maintained this friendship every day since then.

Working together for 7 years (and counting...), our purpose is to revive genuinely Brazilian architecture, drawing with three hands the personality that exists within each client and each space we design. We aim to bring life to the home, thinking deeply about the atmosphere and the context in which the project is inserted. The City is here for that, to reclaim, organize, and design all the diversity present in Brazilian cities, bringing back the samba that resides in the soul of every Brazilian.

The City is both plural and singular. From the object to the city. From PP to XG.

We are the city, we are architecture.

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Cidade Arquitetura Offices
Cidade Arquitetura
Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil