Barberio Colella Architetti
Barberio Colella Architetti
Barberio Colella Architetti

Barberio Colella Architetti

Barberio Colella Architetti is an architectural, interior and furniture design firm based in Bari (Italy) leads by Micaela Colella and Maurizio Barberio. After sharing the academic path at the Politecnico di Bari, they continued their education with the attainment of the Ph.D. in Architectural Design from Università Roma Tre.The studio deals with the development of innovative concepts in which the design approach is focused on finding new architectural design strategies based on high sustainability and reversibility, appropriate use of materials and building technologies, tectonic innovation, romantic visions and cutting-edge design.Barberio and Colella have received prizes and awards (A 'Design Award, World Architecture Community Award, Fassa Bortolo Sustainable Architecture Award). The firm recently was selected among the winners of the 1st International Sustainable Building Design Competition to build a green office in Changzhou, China.

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Our Projects
Barberio Colella Architetti Offices
Barberio Colella ARC Bari
Bari, Italy