ACC Naturale Architettura
ACC Naturale Architettura
ACC Naturale Architettura

ACC Naturale Architettura

Cristiana Catino with her design research pursues different values: respect for the environment and relationship between buildings, materials, nature and people's well-being. Her career began with Andrea Bruno in Turin and Renzo Piano in Paris and continued with Negozio Blu, a studio of which she was co-founder and partner and with which she has designed numerous and important works in Italy in more than twenty years, including the first Eataly in Turin. Since 1995 she has specialized in bio-architecture (Casa Clima and National Institute of Bio-architecture) and in 2016 she created ACC Naturale Architettura. Among the most significant achievements, the socio-cultural center Workout Pasubio(Parma,2016 competition), the Fontanafredda widespread hotel (Alba 2017), restoration and interior design interventions, urban and landscape redevelopments.

Our Projects
ACC Naturale Architettura Offices
ACC Naturale Architettura
Torino, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy