Top 25

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about top 25

NewsNews • 29 Feb 2024

25 best architecture firms in Chile

A narrow strip of land between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Chile is home to an emerging architecture and design scene. From indigenous settlements to the Spanish colonial legacy to the modernist visions of contemporary architects, Chilean architecture narrates a tale of its rich cultural and geographical diversity. With the growing challenges of extreme climate and the country's susceptibility to seismic activity, Chilean architecture has grown to adapt to environmental resilience, utilizing flexible structural systems and alternative materials. A common practice adopted by many architecture firms is to integrate indigenous building techniques with modern elements, resulting in a distinct architectural identity. The 25 archi... More

NewsNews • 13 Feb 2024

25 best architecture firms in Dubai

Innovation and futuristic vision define architecture in Dubai. The city's skyline, a panorama of towers, is a reflection of human aspiration, soaring to new heights and new forms of urban dynamism. Home to both local offices as well as regional headquarters for many of the architecture industry's powerhouse firms, the city is a melting pot of ideas and expertise from across the globe. This mix of design studios enriches Dubai's urban fabric by infusing projects with diverse perspectives and shaping its ever-changing identity. This collaborative spirit underscores Dubai's status as a cultural crossroads where creativity flourishes without constraint. The 25 architecture firms listed below are the motors behind the city's relentless evolution... More

NewsNews • 29 Jan 2024

25 best architecture firms in Thailand

Deeply rooted in cultural heritage, Thai architecture bears the indelible marks of centuries-old traditions yet remains adaptable to contemporary influences. Heavily inspired by surrounding Asian countries like China and India, Thai architecture showcases an intensive connection to the environment and socio-cultural beliefs. Even today, local communities continue to embrace vernacular building techniques and sustainable practices. Given the challenging climate characterized by extreme heat and humidity, architectural design in Thailand must also address environmental factors, making sustainability and climate responsiveness integral aspects of contemporary architectural practices. Recent decades have marked a shift in Thailand’s arch... More

NewsNews • 15 Dec 2023

25 best architecture firms in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, a crucible of high-rise buildings, boasts the world’s highest number of skyscrapers per square mile, set against a picturesque backdrop of the bustling Victoria Harbour on one side and a lush mountain range on the other. The iconic vertical cityscape features contemporary marvels by renowned architects like Norman Foster, IM Pei, and Zaha Hadid, among others. Amidst this modernity, remnants of the past persist, evident in the colonial-era buildings and traditional Chinese architecture. However, the region’s architectural narrative has evolved significantly with its positioning as a global financial powerhouse, resulting in an influx of soaring edifices in the past few decades. Facing the challenges of limited space,... More

NewsNews • 24 Nov 2023

25 best architecture firms in India

Indian architecture is a complex tapestry woven with threads of culture, history and spirituality. From the wood and stone kath-kuni houses prevalent in the northern highlands to the intricate carvings of ancient temples of the south, Indian architecture reflects the diverse geographies and traditions that have shaped the sub-continent over thousands of years. Throughout years of documented Indian history, indigenous building techniques evolved and progressed, culminating in a resilient and coherent architectural form. Further, with the assimilation of diverse cultural influences, this progression gained complexity, resulting in a multi-layered architectural heritage.  While remnants of past glory persist, the current architectural pa... More

NewsNews • 16 Nov 2023

25 best architecture firms in Argentina

Argentine architecture is a vivid mosaic rooted in a fusion of European influences, indigenous traditions, and modernist interpretations. From the bustling streets of Buenos Aires to the rugged charm of Patagonia's remote structures, every built form dictates a unique narrative of Argentina's past and present. The legacy of Spanish colonialism is palpable in the ornate facades of buildings found in cities like Córdoba and Salta, where Baroque and neoclassical designs prevail, echoing a past era of opulence. The 1930s brought a shift in the urban landscape with the emergence of Art Deco intertwined with European modernism, showcasing an adaptation towards streamlined forms, geometric designs, and utilization of new materials. With ti... More

NewsNews • 30 Oct 2023

25 best architecture firms in South Korea

Architecture in South Korea is distinguished by its disposition towards naturalism, simplicity and streamlined forms. Historically, South Korea's architectural landscape evolved under the influence of its neighbouring countries, particularly Japan and China, but also bore the imprint of its unique cultural identity. The nation’s tumultuous history, marked by cycles of construction and destruction, has left a lasting mark on its architecture, resulting in a juxtaposition of diverse styles and forms.  While traditional Korean architecture was notable for its deep-rooted connection with nature, contemporary architecture in South Korea embraces technology and experimentation. The last few decades witnessed rapid economic development... More

NewsNews • 20 Oct 2023

25 best architecture firms in Greece

A civilization that left an indelible mark on the world, Greek Architecture marries art, science and nature, shaping iconic styles that have been replicated across the ages. The roots of Greek architecture dig deep into the ancient soil of this Mediterranean land, where myth, culture, and philosophy intertwine with the built environment. From the classical orders of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, to the principles of spatial scale, balance, line and light, to city-planning origins reflected through the agora, acropolis and so on, the nation has given life to architecture that was, and still is, celebrated as a paragon of beauty and function. Defined by harmony, proportion and a reverence for nature, the country’s architectural landsca... More

NewsNews • 16 Oct 2023

25 best architecture firms in Sweden

Characterised by functionality and sustainability, Swedish architecture emerges from its deep connections to the Nordic Landscape. With a rich history dating back to 800AD, Sweden's architectural style has evolved to reflect shifting cultural and societal influences. From medieval castles to modernist homes to sustainable buildings that harmonise with the natural environment, the country boasts a prolific architectural landscape. A recurring theme in Swedish architecture is the display of profound respect for heritage and nature while forging ahead with innovative design that reflects the principles of simplicity, functionality, and light. Keeping the threads of modernism intact, Swedish architects harness light, textures and natural eleme... More

NewsNews • 29 Sep 2023

25 best architecture firms in Brazil

In a dynamic fusion of culture, diversity, vibrancy, and innovation, Brazilian architecture interweaves its expansive natural landscape with heritage, migrant influences and modernism. From the indigenous dwellings in the lush Amazon rainforests to the bustling public streets of Rio de Janeiro and the sleek edifices of São Paulo, the country’s architecture is characterized by its multifaceted character. At its core, Brazil's architectural landscape stands as a repository of vernacular structures ascribed to its native communities and colonial architecture influenced by Portuguese, African, and immigrant styles. The vestiges of this period are still evident in the charming colonial towns of Ouro Preto and Salvador, where elabora... More

NewsNews • 31 Aug 2023

50 best architecture firms in the United States

The United States of America is the heart of modern architectural spirit, with the world’s best firms pushing the boundaries of design, innovation and sustainability. It was during the 20th century that American architecture established its distinct identity. The inception of the Chicago School of Architecture revolutionized building construction, paving the way for the birth of the skyscraper. Iconic architects like Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright further challenged conventions, embracing new materials and organic design principles. The emergence of the International Style in the mid-20th century marked another milestone in the country’s architecture. Architects like Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson championed this mo... More

NewsNews • 28 Jul 2023

25 best architecture firms in Portugal

Nestled within the southwestern corner of Europe, Portugal’s pluralistic landscape narrates an enthralling story of cultural exchange and resilience. Throughout history, the country has seen the influence of various civilizations, from the Romans and Moors, who left behind stone structures, to the Age of Discovery, when elaborate Manueline masterpieces were created. Today Portuguese architecture continues to push boundaries by exploring materials, sustainable design practices and cutting-edge concepts while honouring its rich architectural heritage. Whether wandering through Lisbon's cobblestone streets, exploring villages in the Alentejo region or immersing oneself in the beauty of Douro Valley, Portugal offers an unforgettable and... More

NewsNews • 21 Jul 2023

25 best architecture firms in Switzerland

Swiss architecture is renowned for its unparalleled focus on functionality, innovation and seamless integration with the surrounding landscapes. Rooted in a rich heritage influenced by neighbouring countries and international movements, Swiss architecture has carved a unique identity in harmony with nature. The Swiss have long embraced the concept of "form follows function," ensuring that every building serves a purpose beyond mere aesthetics. This philosophy is quite evident from the simplicity of traditional Swiss chalets defined by wooden construction to contemporary architecture that prioritizes environmentally conscious materials and design. In the contemporary context, Swiss architects have shaped modern architecture through the esta... More

NewsNews • 14 Jul 2023

25 best architecture firms in Mexico

Mexican architecture is an ode to the country's vibrant diversity, culture, and history. Its architectural scene is incomplete without mentioning the pivotal role played by indigenous communities, each with their distinct traditions and architectural styles, in shaping the various cultural landscapes. From the adobe structures of the Oaxaca region to the thatched-roof huts of the Yucatan Peninsula, each place possesses a unique architectural identity deeply rooted in local customs and materials. Mexico's rich history encompassing pre-Hispanic and colonial heritage has served as a reservoir of inspiration for architects throughout the 20th century. The 20th century witnessed a surge of architectural innovation, with architects like Luis Bar... More

NewsNews • 30 Jun 2023

25 best architecture firms in Australia

Australian architecture is characterized by an alluring blend of cultural influences and unique natural landscapes that stretch across the continent. From the timelessness of traditional aboriginal dwellings to the striking contemporary structures that dot urban centres like Sydney and Melbourne, Australian architecture reflects the nation's dynamic spirit and ever-evolving nature. Colonial architecture, influenced by British and European styles, left an indelible mark on Australia's built environment. From the grand Victorian-era buildings in Melbourne to the charming Georgian townhouses in Sydney's historic neighbourhoods, these architectural remnants stand as a testament to the country's colonial past. The late 19th and early 20th centur... More