‬ #architecture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about ‬ #architecture

Projekt • By Aadi DesignWohnungen

5 Maidaan

The sales office unfolds as an architectural procession, meticulously crafted to exude an aura of refined elegance and timeless sophistication. Upon entering, one is immediately immersed in a symphony of muted grey tones that permeate the sales lounge, creating a backdrop of understated professionalism. This muted palette serves as a perfect contrast to the warm beige and wood tones that define the sample apartment, enticing visitors with the promise of luxurious interiors. Omkar Dandwate A focal point within the sales lounge is the door leading to the sample apartment, a statement piece crafted from rich wood veneer. Its striking presence commands attention against the surrounding palette, hinting at the lavishness concealed within.... Mehr

Projekt • By IDSR architecturePrivathäuser

Watershed House

Located in the Catskill Mountains on the watershed for New York City’s water supply system, this home is an experiment in sustainable building. The site strategy was to preserve as many trees as possible on the site while elevating the house above the hillside to allow water to flow undisturbed towards the tributaries of the Esopus Creek corridor. Based on a traditional longhouse typology, organized around the main central shared space, the bedrooms and bathrooms are situated on either side of the main space with open lofts above each bedroom. Eric Petschek Eric Petschek Constructed to passive house standards, the envelope of the house was assembled from prefabricated structural insulated panels (SIPs). The house is air-tig... Mehr

Projekt • By PTW ArchitectsWohnungen


Designed to embrace outdoor living and a modern cosmopolitan lifestyle, Chateau features four towers linked by open walkways, breezeways and landscaped terraces. Located within 350m of Hills Showground Metro Station, Chateau comprises of 290 dwellings, with a range of generously scaled apartments and townhouses. PTW Architects The rooftop offers extensive community gardens, unique spaces and amenities such as a resort-style infinity pool, gymnasium, spacious BBQ areas, a tranquil internal Zen garden area and expansive views across natural landscapes. As one of the pioneering exemplars in the Castle Hill Showground precinct, Chateau takes sustainable principles of green infrastructure design and adapts them to an appropriate response... Mehr

Projekt • By gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners ArchitectsDie Einkaufszentren

Star Spark 1926-Mall

In the southern Chinese mega-city of Guangzhou, a new city component has been created by completing a new mall - in the scale of the old city center - that is open towards the city. With its spatial arrangement consisting of six volumes and featuring a translucent, terracotta facade with an LED backlighting scheme, the design by the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) creates a relationship with the historic neighborhood. CreatAR Images CreatAR Images The new commercial complex is located opposite the historic museum site relating to the Nongjiangsuo Monument at Zhong Shan Road, a main axis through the old center of Guangzhou. The six-volume composition, with a height of 35 meters, replicates the proportions of the nei... Mehr

Projekt • By 1001 OntwerpenPrivathäuser

Living and working in a former school

This listed, former primary school was given a new purpose with living and working spaces. In collaboration with Rutger Kuipers, a design was created for this transformation. Caption For the purpose of this transformation into the new functions, new elements have been added in logical places. The goal was to enhance the monumental character of the school and simultaneously create pleasant and atmospheric living and working spaces. Evert van Voorst Evert van Voorst Additionally, the building has been made more sustainable where possible. Originally built as a school with an innovative heating and ventilation system, this listed monument has been transformed into living and working spaces with an A+ energy label. To make use... Mehr

Projekt • By KisarqGehäuse

Casa Bosques

The project "Casa Bosques" is primarily characterized by a completely introspective facade. From the outside, its minimalist and robust design creates a sense of privacy and seclusion, with walls that seem to enclose the space from the outside world. However, upon entering, the experience changes radically. The interior of the house opens up to spacious areas; large, well-placed windows allow natural light to flood the space, making the interiors feel expansive and luminous, fostering a seamless connection with the outdoors. Iván Marruenda Iván Marruenda Iván Marruenda The layout of the ground floor is configured with an open-plan arrangement that includes a living room area, characterized by double-heig... Mehr

Projekt • By Parnagian Architects LLCPrivathäuser

The Gap House

A modern house for a couple and their family looking to slow down on Long Beach Island.  Sited on a particularly narrow stretch of the barrier island, the house takes full advantage of the lot’s unique positioning to maximize expansive views towards both the bay and the ocean. Halkin Mason Photography Halkin Mason Photography Halkin Mason Photography Halkin Mason Photography The main bedroom suite and living spaces are elevated to the uppermost floor to capture unobstructed ocean views with an abundance of glass. Large sliding glass doors open the main living space to a generously sized, ocean facing covered deck. A band of horizontal windows stretches across the west facade, connecting the ocean to the bay.... Mehr

Projekt • By Dietger Wissounig ArchitektenStädtische Grünflächen

Multi-Generational Care Knittelfeld

gut betreutDas bestehende Landespflegezentrum wird von der Gem. Wohn- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft Ennstal für die Volkshilfe Steiermark saniert und um einen Zubau für ein Pflegeheim sowie um eine neue Kinderbetreuungseinrichtung erweitert. Das neue Pflegeheim behaust drei Wohngemeinschaften mit jeweils 15 Betten in Kombination mit dem Bestandspflegeheim, welches weitere 45 Betten zur Verfügung stellt. Über zwei volle Geschosse verteilen sich die Einzel- und Doppelzimmer zwischen einer Vielfalt an Aufenthaltsbereichen. Überdachte Veranden, Freiraumterrassen und der zentrale Hof sind Teil eines großen, internen Erholungs- und Bewegungsraums. Im Inneren wird man von einer Raumfolge an Foyer, Dorfplatz, Zimmern un... Mehr

Projekt • By Casas inHAUS SLPrivathäuser

Spectacular luxury home in Madrid

In der Gemeinde Madrid, Spanien haben wir eines unserer bisher speziellsten Häuser entworfen. Dieses modulare Haus ist in zwei Etagen unterteilt und befindet sich auf einem Grundstück mit erheblichen Unebenheiten und einer Grundrissaufteilung, die die Form eines O annimmt. Mit abgerundeten Volumina, die die Linien und die Verwendung von edlen Materialien wie technologischem Holz verstärken. Casas inHAUS | Spectacular luxury home in Madrid Insgesamt 458 m² verteilt auf zwei Etagen und ein unabhängiges Nebengebäude neben dem Außenbereich und dem Paddle-Tennisplatz. Ungefähr 1000 m² Grünfläche und Urbanisation. Ein luxuriöses Haus in Madrid, das ganz nach dem Geschmack und den... Mehr
Reception area
Entrance area
Entrance area
Construction poles cabinets

Projekt • By Shirley Nachmana ArchitectureBüros

Construction company office space

Shirley Nachmana architect firm was assigned to design an office space for OGALIM a veteran family-owned construction company, who decided to relocate to a new building in the industrial zone of Ra'anana. Yanai Dietsch The client wanted a homey space with a high-quality industrial look, The project scope was office planning from the shell level to the styling of the shelves.  Yanai Dietsch For the core wall we designed an element that would give the office its unique character, we used Masko poles, that are very common on construction sites, on which we hung shelving units combined with oak and metal mesh. we incorporated blue tones that symbols manual labor and also connect to the company's logo. Yanai Dietsch The ex... Mehr

Projekt • By TAO | Trace Architecture OfficeBibliotheken

Weishan Chongzheng Academy Bookstore of Librairie Avant-Garde

Weishan Chongzheng Academy Bookstore of Librairie Avant-Garde is located in the west corner of Weishan Ancient Town in Dali, Yunnan. Weishan is the birthplace of the ancient Nanzhao Kingdom, and has a history of over 600 years. It still preserves the urban layout of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Chongzheng Academy was built during the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty with a history of more than 500 years, and has gone through several twists and turns. In 2021, TAO was invited by the local government and Librairie Avant-Garde to repair and renovate Chongzheng Academy, transforming it into a bookstore with comprehensive functions including bookstore, exhibition, small theatre, coffee, etc.  Arch-Exist Photography Applying a limite... Mehr

Projekt • By FAAB ArchitekturaBüros

"Green-Up" Łukasiewicz Research Headquarters

The facility is located in Warsaw city center, on Żelazna Street, which was originally laid out in the 17th century. In the area where the building is located, due to the dense urban development, there is little space for a public square or park. Due to this fact, the Łukasiewicz Headquarters introduces greenery into the urban space in an innovative way. A vertical garden and a vertical park are planned on the building’s street facing facades. A green repository is planned to be built as part of a vertical park in which plants are placed in prefabricated pots made of laminated wood. The park will provide optimal vegetation conditions for native Polish endangered and rare species. In the case of the vertical garden, the installation o... Mehr

Projekt • By Lantavos ProjectsPrivathäuser

Stone and View House

Das 1989 erbaute Haus wurde so umgebaut, dass es einer vierköpfigen Familie, ihren Verwandten und Freunden als Wochenendausflugsziel und gleichzeitig als "Basis" für den Wintersport dient. Es liegt am südwestlichen Ende der kleinen Bergstadt Arachova, einem beliebten Winterziel, in unmittelbarer Nähe der archäologischen Stätte von Delphi in Mittelgriechenland. Bildunterschrift Das Äußere des Hauses wurde von malerischen Elementen wie hölzernen Vordächern, Geländern, Fensterläden und willkürlichen Strukturen befreit, während alle vorhandenen Fensterrahmen entfernt und recycelt wurden. Auch in den Innenräumen des Hauses wurde eine umfassende Sanierung durchgef&... Mehr

Produkt • By Coronado Stone ProductsSummer Cottage

Summer Cottage

Our newest color Summer Cottage features a soft blend of sandy tones with charcoal accents. It's now available on our Texas Rubble profile. Caption Caption Mehr

Projekt • By ft3 ArchitectureGehäuse

Ronald McDonald House Manitoba

Nestled on the corner of a mature, tree-lined neighbourhood—and a ten-minute walk from the city’s main pediatric health facility—is the new Ronald McDonald House Manitoba (RMHMB). For over 49 years, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) has provided families with children requiring hospital care a safe respite during one of life’s most challenging events. The concept of a home away from home and the holistic health and well-being of the guest families, staff, and volunteers guided the form and function of our design for the new house. When families stay at RMHMB, it should evoke feelings of serenity, security, and stimulation—similar emotions that derive from being in the comfort of your home—underscore... Mehr