
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about wallanddeco

Project • By Wall&decòHotels

Le Foresterie

Le Foresterie, a project developed in Oppeano, Verona, embraces the use of wallpaper to define each individual area with a unique style and atmosphere. Caption In the living room the green is brought to the wall with the graphic 'Exotic Damier' that combines the botanical theme with the geometric element. Caption In the kitchen area 'Likeminds' stands as a celebration of graphic lines, geometric shapes and colours in harmony with the surroundings. Caption White background, black grid, mirrors with rounded corners.The master bedroom features 'Millennium', a graphic that embodies a timeless encounter between past and future: 80s and Vaporwave style. Caption More poetic is the dimension of the single room, where the gra... More
Under the bridge - Shout - 2013 - Contemporary Wallpaper Collection
Incanto - Maria Gomez Garcia - 2017 - Contemporary Wallpaper Colelction
Incanto - Maria Gomez Garcia - 2017 - Contemporary Wallpaper Colelction
Incanto - Maria Gomez Garcia - 2017 - Contemporary Wallpaper Colelction
Elisir - Lorenzo De Grandis - 2018 - Contemporary Wallpaper Colelction

Project • By Wall&decòPrivate Houses

Villa F

The use of wallpaper within the Villa F project, located in Budapest, is a captivating tale that weaves its way through every space, from the staircases to the living areas, from the bedrooms to the bathrooms, drawing inspiration from the elements of nature. Caption As you ascend the main staircase, it leads you into the heart of the home, a space dedicated to relaxation and convivial gatherings, adorned with the 'Incanto' wallpaper. This wallpaper depicts a lush garden brimming with intricate floral details, perfectly harmonizing with the soft, neutral color palettes and the use of natural materials. It creates a visual continuum throughout the spaces, enveloping them in an atmosphere of tranquility and elegance. Caption In the... More

Product • By Wall&decòNiveum


WET System, the wallpaper for shower and wet roomsThis is Wall&decò's patented wall covering dedicated to humid environments such as bathrooms, showers and spas. Totally impermeable to water, it has excellent resistance to yellowing and household detergents. Each subject is customisable in terms of size, colour and graphic development. More