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Project • By Per Se ArchitectureCultural Centres

Baruthane Cultural Center

Baruthane was put into operation in 1700 as the fifth and also the largest and most modern gunpowder factory in Ottoman Istanbul. The facility was renovated during the Selim the 3rd period and expanded with additions such as the Hünkar Mansion. Baruthane, which was transferred to the Military Factories Administration during the Republic period, was later given to the Machinery and Chemical Industry Corporation in 1955. Egemen Karakaya Egemen Karakaya Egemen Karakaya From the original campus, there are four rectangular buildings, a fountain and the Hünkar Mansion, which was built by Selim the 3rd as a viewing and resting pavilion, that remained to the present day. The 324-year-old industrial facility, currently loca... More