
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about polyethylene

Product • By 21st LivingartORLANDO & ANGELICA


The inspiration comes from the Italian chivalrous poem "The Orlando in love" ‐ “L’Orlando innamorato” ‐, a work left unfinished that allows for personalized interpretations: a knight and a princess, protagonists of enchanted fairy tales, two names that tell Italian tradition, art and history of people with strong cultural roots. Orlando and Angelica, a functional small table and a sinuous chair, represent a preview of a collection characterized by large areas that expand evenly placed in contrast with precise and stretched lines, creating a natural game of light and shadow. A distinctive aesthetic line that allows us to see always new details looking at Angelica and Orlando from any point of view. The table Orlando has a central basin with... More

Product • By VondomMOONBEAM Outdoor Rug

MOONBEAM Outdoor Rug

Moonbeam is an outdoor rug designed by A-cero. It is based on the simplicity of the geometry. The symmetry of its forms and the inclination of the planes delimiting its own shape. The negative finish of its tones increases the elegance and harmony of this combination. Its soft tissue polyethylene fibers allows use in outdoor, being highly resistant to UV rays. More

Product • By VondomLINES XL Outdoor Rug

LINES XL Outdoor Rug

Lines XL Outdoor rug designed by Ramón Esteve is the result of a succession of lines, rounded and synthetic, composed of three layers of different thickness and tone, creating a serene composition. The tactile feel is natural and fresh. Its dimensions delimit an enclousure friendly and warm as nin any interior space. Its simplicity and fine polyethylene fibers allow outdoor use easily adapting to any style. More

Product • By 21st LivingartGROOVE


GROOVE in English literally means notch, but also routine, something that repeats itself cyclically, just like the strips on each piece of the collection. As often happens in the evolution of spoken language, the term became more popular in the 1960s music indicating the grooves on vinyl records. There is also the English verb “to groove”, meaning to enjoy intensely, playing music at its best, enjoy exciting emotions. Still today, the common slang saying “has a nice groove” means a music or a musician can create a powerful empathy with the listener simply through rhythmic language. Thanks to its fresh, scenic and refined style, Groove reveals an empathic soul, and is a multipurpose collection. More

Product • By 21st LivingartSereno Pacifico and Beato

Sereno Pacifico and Beato

Moredesign has designed this important collection full of charm and elegance for Twentyfirst. All the elements have been conceived as an important reflection on the search of a new object functionality for tomorrow, which goes beyond its shape. This lines are evocative, obtained by the use of advanced technologies and a taste for artisan detailing. BEATO POUF and PACIFICO TABLE fully satisfy the use they were designed for. They have a strong symbolic value that actually dilutes their seemingly ironic and “peaceful” appearance. BEATO becomes part of our relaxing moments, integrating itself in the surrounding space almost like a piece of history. PACIFICO wants to give us its memory, as we sit around this coffee table we can take in its bea... More

Product • By VondomMoma Collection

Moma Collection

This collection is created to be used in three different environments: MOMA LOW + MOMA PUF (chill – out), MOMA MEDIUM + MOMA SILLA (comfort) y MOMA HIGH + MOMA TABURETE. Its innovative design and great variety of bright shades gives an more original and fresh touch to the collection. They are manufactured with ecological material of resin of polyethylene by the process of rotational molding, and the pieces are thought for contract as well as interior & exterior space. More