
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about howe

Project • By Henning LarsenUniversities

IT University

The IT University is arranged around a large central atrium. In the atrium space a number of group and meeting rooms, designed as corbelled boxes, are placed in a dynamic composition – like extracted drawers of various sizes. By changing back projections on the meeting boxes, a digital art installation by the American artist John Maeda creates a dynamic and interactive visual composition in the atrium. The ground floor comprises the common facilities; lecture halls, students’ café, canteen and library. All research and teaching areas are located on the upper floors. Teaching facilities in open study areas surrounding the atrium and research departments in the calmer zones at both ends of the building. The building stands elevate... More

Project • By HOWEUniversities

Tenerife School of Scenic Arts

The level of cultural activity in Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife, is very high. In 2002 the Tenerife Insular Council and the Canarian government decided to build an educational facility for the scenic arts. The project was placed in the neighbourhood of buildings of related cultural use, such as the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Applied Arts, and the Music Conservatory. Soon a Centre of Cinematography will be placed next to the School of Scenic Arts, both institutions designed by gpy arquitectos. The Tenerife School of Scenic Arts has a size of 3360 m2, allowing for 80 resident students, 120 periodical attendants, and 41 teachers. Furniture solution: In the contemporary educational facility there is an urgent need for flexib... More

Project • By HOWECathedrals

Salisbury Cathedral

Description: Salisbury Cathedral is a beautiful, historic building, an international symbol of Christianity and a world-class heritage attraction. Salisbury is unique amongst medieval English cathedrals, for the major part built within a generation (1220-1258). The building itself is remarkable, a testimony to the faith and practical skills of those who erected it. Salisbury to the southwest of London is a centre of pilgrimage for hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Every day, century after century, people come here to worship. So in 2003 the 60-year old chairs of the Salisbury Cathedral were ready for a much-needed replacement. Furniture solution: Secretary of The Friends Miss Jane Erith said that a yearlong extensive resear... More