
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about expo2015

Project • By EXPO 2015 S.p.aExhibitions

Argentinian Pavilion EXPO 2015

Concept With its theme “Argentina feeds you” Argentina showcases its country set against a backdrop of national policies that are closely aligned with the central theme of Expo Milano 2015, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” It is a theme that offers visitors experiences that feed their understanding of Argentina's richness and diversity in a space that reflects four subtopics. The first, Argentina feeds its people, explores the question of food security within its economic development policies of the past ten years based on social inclusion; the second, Argentina feeds the world, describes the vastness and fertility of its land that produces a wide variety of primary products such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, products from th... More

Project • By EXPO 2015 S.p.aArt Galleries

Angolian Pavilion EXPO 2015

The Concept At its exhibition space, Angola seeks to showcase Angolan food and fare that can be used to create better and healthier lifestyles for future generations. Angola has chosen to elaborate the theme of Expo Milano 2015, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life: focusing on the culture and soul of the African nation through its varied and traditional cuisine, with its theme of: Educate to Innovate. The concept of education is interpreted here as awareness of nutrition in Angolan society from schools to universities, the re-definition of norms and regulations of local production and imports, and the introduction of quality checks in local markets. The concept of innovation has two aspects: one, based on the constant encouragement of tra... More

Project • By RABATANALABPavilions


The hive is part of the masterplan Ipogea maintained by the city of AL Ain. The study scours and identifies new strategic vision for the redevelopment and upgrading of the area, where sustainability in combination with specific intervention has the rise as a model of Al Ain city oasis, where the integration of all is components historical, artistic, archaeological and nature are the basis of a multidimentional plan of urban oasis. A filter zone is designed around the urban periphery to shield the motorway network by palm trees , this identifying areas of protection and assigning to them the role of attractors.IN this context we find the hall witch ran parallel to the highway and helps to limit the spread to the urban areas of protection and... More

Project • By Lake|Flato ArchitectsUrban Green Spaces

Confluence Park River Pavilion

Confluence Park is a living laboratory that allows visitors to gain a greater understanding of the ecotypes of the South Texas region and the function of the San Antonio River watershed. Throughout the park, visitors learn through observation, engagement and active participation. Located at the confluence of the San Antonio River and San Pedro Creek, the idea of confluence is ingrained in every aspect— from big gestures like the landform of the park representing the convergence of ecotypes in the South Texas region, to the pavilion “petals” imitating the form of plants that are structured to funnel dew and rainwater to their roots, down to the scale of the paver patterns reminiscent of the flow and confluence of waterways.Constructed of con... More

Project • By Scandurra StudioOffices

Expo Gate

Expo gate is a place where the articulation of the days left to the opening event becomes an occasion to talk about growth and evolution. The calendar of the events, the regular transformation of the space and the structures are introducing the vitality of Expo 2015. The project proposes an open plate, a free space characterized by a central square and two tollbooths –like pavilions on the side: a gate access to Expo. The structures on the outside are thought to welcome different types of communication: images, banners, flags, light graphics can transform periodically or build a temporality creating thus a different connection with time. The context as value The work aims at that axial system which goes from the Duomo through the pa... More

Project • By Simmetrico NetworkExhibitions

Azerbaijan Pavilion - Treasure Of Biodiversity For Expo Milano 2015

Harmony and natural and cultural diversity are the protagonists of Azerbaijan’s pavilion for Expo Milano 2015, designed by Simmetrico, an Italian network of creatives, project managers and multimedia experts. Founded in 2007 by Daniele Zambelli, Simmetrico specializes in the planning and management of projects relating to cultural communication, making integration between different languages and disciplines a strong point. In line with their desire to tell stories that focus on man and his relationships, the talented Simmetrico team has brought Italian excellence to the creation, planning and completion of the pavilion, from its foundations through all the content found inside. The result is an astonishing, immersive journey through install... More

Project • By U-R-A | United Riga ArchitectsArt Galleries

EXPO 2015 LATVIA pavilion proposal

The pavilion offers an open space towards the world where, like apiary ecosystem, people have an opportunity for effective and natural cultural exchange, socializing and cognition of Latvian values. The pavilion consists of three basic elements: The interior of the cell, open outdoor space and its unifying "natural channel". The interaction of these elements form a continuous story, where every visitor finds Latvian value, which is close himself. The pavilion is singing Apiary - a symphony of natural sounds in every cell, but the roof stage used for artist performances. The interior shaped like a hive, where each cell displays the Latvian natural ecosystems - the sea, forest, freshwater, marshes, meadows and land. Each cell has a sin... More

Project • By arcsettExhibition Centres

BIOSYS - romanian pavilion at EXPO 2015 - Milano

pavilionul romaniei la EXPO 2015 - Milano More
Russian Pavilion EXPO2015

Project • By Architects of InventionCultural Centres

Russian Pavilion for EXPO2015 in Milan

Designed to evoke the connotation that Russia is one of the biggest agriculture exporters in the world, the pavilion “Russia: The Fields of Growth” will contribute to the Expo’s theme of “Feeding the Planet”, and at the same time introduce a dynamic and powerful image of the modern Russia that originates in the country’s great past. This architectural solution is based on one conceptual act – the use of a large-scale form (single bend of a plane) that originates in the monumental traditions of the best of twentieth century Soviet architecture. A 17m long Stella indicates the main entrance to the pavilion from the main pedestrian artery of the exhibition, and continues into the field-roof. The inside of the walls and ceiling of the pavili... More

Project • By Malcolm Reading ConsultantsExhibitions


MALCOLM READING CONSULTANTS TO RUN DESIGN COMPETITION FOR UK PAVILION AT MILAN EXPO 2015 Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC) has been appointed to run the design competition for the UK Pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan. The two-stage competition has a fast-track timetable and will launch in the third week of January on a dedicated website. A winner will be selected by May 2014. Working to the Expo theme ‘Feeding the World: Energy for Life’, the UK Pavilion will showcase British creativity and innovation with a special focus on food, lifestyle, technology and sustainability. The Pavilion will have a high visual impact and provide a distinctive visitor experience. The Expo will run from 1st May to 31st October 2015 with over 20 million visit... More
Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015
Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015
Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015
Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015
Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015

Project • By Andrea Maffei ArchitectsPavilions

Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015

Andrea Maffei Architects Competition for the Qatar Pavilion at the Milano EXPO 2015 October 2013 “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is the main theme for Milano EXPO 2015, the extraordinary universal event focused on worldwide food accessibility issues, where every country will display its traditions and latest innovations in the food business. Andrea Maffei Architects entered the Qatar Pavilion competition (2013) designing a spiral exhibition space through which the visitors can discover Qatari food culture, climbing a three-level ramp. Andrea Maffei Architects characterized the area surrounding the Qatar Pavilion with a wide expanse of sand, evoking the Qatar desert, and a large water tank, which reflects natural light onto t... More

Project • By Migliore + ServettoCities


Italo Lupi, Ico Migliore, Mara Servetto – on the occasion of Expo 2015 – have been commissioned to conceive an urban communication installation representing the Nations that, four years before the opening ceremony, have already joined the international event. The national ensigns are displayed in an original way in the Flags Boulevard lining up along C.so Vittorio Emanuele, Via dei Mercati, Via Dante and piazza Cordusio in Milan, walking arteries that link the Duomo (Milan Cathedral) and the Castello Sforzesco (Sforza Castle). More