Ali rivandy

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about ali rivandy

Project • By noRonofficeFactories


A project with an industrial use that is supposed to be active in the field of production of equipment and machinery related to the mining industry. The first challenge in the design was how to create an effective connection between the office building and the production sheds so that production could be fully monitored Ali Rivandy With further research on the subject, we realized that the office building can have the same role as the processor (CPU) in the computer, in fact, the office unit has the role of analyzing, controlling and monitoring the production of the factory. Ali Rivandy Inspired by the structure of the CPU, we were able to achieve a design strategy that can establish an optimal and efficient connection between t... More

Project • By noRonofficePrivate Houses

Villa L

The subject of this project is to design a villa house for a small family that will spend their holidays there. Considering the importance of the concept of "home", the design team has tried to reach a more accurate understanding of the concept of "home" in the audience's mind through continuous conversations with the client. The result of this interaction and discussion has led to the explanation of the following "musts" and "must not" in project design. Deed studio While being introverted and having privacy, the building should have the best spatial diversity to be responsive to various activities and experiences, and on the other hand, take the most advantage of open spaces, light, and the surrounding landscape. Also, in the propos... More