Joyce Kuiken
  • On Brands
  • Han van Zwieten Architecten
  • eggworks
  • Meijerink & Verhoeven
  • +9

Joyce Kuiken

Other from Albert Harkemaweg 58, Aduard, Netherlands
An architect, all about lightness and mobility.
Instead of only creating an atmosphere of lightness with glass, steel, concrete as our modernistic ancestors, for me lightness is not just an image or a feeling. It is actual lightness; in materials, use, location, and even in my role as an architect
Architecture according to me, especially when talking about durability, is all about mobility, using lightweight materials, tensile and/or foldable constructions. Being smart with available materials and designing for a need that is defined, for a period that it is needed. Not for all eternity with materials that can last hundreds of years like steel, concrete and brick. But using lightweight constructions, fabrics under tension, gridshells, foldable constructions. So creating a maximum effect with a minimum of energy and materials. Doing more with less. Being not only eco-friendly, but mostly eco-efficient.
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