Hesham Kholef
  • On Brands
  • HotShells WSP
  • Egypt Only
  • The Humanity
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Hesham Kholef

Photographer from 603 Horya St, Zeznya, Egypt
I'm a hard person to be understood, unfortunately what people don’t understand, they tend to fear..
I have somewhat a complex nature, but that by no means a bad nature....
I have a cool surface but below the surface of my exterior is a scorching and passionate fire which can be sensed when you get to know me...I'm emotional and take it to the limits...I even sometimes need an overkill dosage of emotions to feel really alive...not neccessrily love..I give 100 % to those i love ,and expect the same if not more,in return....
I'm demanding of myself and others, and when i give my heart to someone I'm very loyal.I absolutely adore the Idea of love, it's a challenge that excites me...and i dont mean the love of 2 persons, i mean friend's love, family love..just human love..
I'm committed to anything i do,including relationships, friendships, work, etc,....
I'm the strong, talktive type, who have a magnetic aura.I usually turn heads when i enter a room :P ( kidding ) :)
There's no half measures in my life, in friendship,love, family life or work.I can easily get obsessive when i'm interested in something or someone....
I always have the urge to share my success with people around me....
I love challenges,I love trying to prove that no one can stop me, and love to take uncalculated Risks...The years i spent studying engineering affected my personality and made me tend to calculate and measure every step I take SOMETIMES, which is not always a good thing :) So i love my friends to be totally the opposite and to be spontaneous and love to take crazy risks...
If someone hurts me, they'd better be prepared.I'll wait patiently until the proper time to seek revenge,time is of no consequence to me when it comes to wreaking vengeance. and you might think thats childish but why hurt me from the 1st place? But honestly i try as i can to avoid that urge to revenge ,
happiness will always be a focus for me,Whether I'm fulfilling my dreams or my aspirations.I'm not afraid of the dark side, even though I seek the light...thats enough for now..too much information is bad :)
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