Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates
Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates
Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates

Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates

The theme of the research is "Contemplation about the acceleration and the speed on the transformation of the architecture in modern ages". This research is advanced by two different approaches, as followed two questions; "How is architecture?" and “What is architecture?”. In other words, they are a research of the program and a research on the architectural constitution from the aspect of Tectonic, by which would be called an external approach and an internal approach in the architectural design process. They will be related mutually in my research. I will research on how architecture is affected and transformed historically by the excessive desire, which is in the basis of the modern civilization, and that is going to move civilization. So I want to clarify the being of architecture in the current city by researching for the process, how a new architecture is going to be generated by new desire appearing exactly now. While comparing a modern design process like the diagram and the form generator program with the classical design process, the problem in a modern design process, especially for program, will be verified. It researches for the being of architecture by involving in a problem with the whole and the part, considering the problem of interiority and exteriority such as a confrontation of the locality and the functionality.
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Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates Daito-city
Daito-city, Japan