Taguá Arquitetura+Design
Taguá Arquitetura+Design
Taguá Arquitetura+Design

Taguá Arquitetura+Design

Taguá is an office of Architecture, Urbanism and Design composed by young architects, graduated from the State University of Maringá, PR. The work carried out by Taguá is the result of the incessant search for a good architecture, which we realize to work in favor of society, thinking about the future of our cities. In our projects we always care about environmental, sustainable, economic and innovative issues, always analyzing each case separately, and offering the particularities that each project requires. For us, Architecture is not a simple design, the design of a building involves many issues, such as those associated with spatiality, climatic conditions, visual, volumetric, relation with the environment, sustainability, rationality in construction, among others. Thus, the final result is the design of the building in harmony with all variants raised and according to the intentions of each client. We develop projects in the various civil construction sectors and in the most different scales, from residences and buildings, ranging from architectural design, interiors and landscaping, to housing projects and condominiums. Another service we offer is consulting. Often the client is not able to make a complete project, or just wants some tips of what he can use in the remodeling of his house, for example. Then we go to the client's house and give a consulting, charging the value of a professional technical hour of our category. We also offer economic feasibility advice, for those people who are in doubt of which land to buy and whether the investment will return or not.
Our Projects
Taguá Arquitetura+Design Offices
Taguá Arquitetura+Design Cabreúva
+55 11 4529 0652
Cabreúva, Brazil