Luciano Pia
© Beppe Giardino
Luciano Pia
Luciano Pia

Luciano Pia

Born October 1960 Graduated in 1984, Turin Engineering Poli, School of Architecture. Brief Research Experience at the “Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecniche per i Processi di Insediamento” Turin Engineering Poli. 1992 Assistant Professor at the Milan Engineering Poli for “Restauro Architettonico”. 1999 Contract Professor at Scuola Superiore Normale di Pisa in Cortona for the Master in “Museografia e Beni Culturali”. From 1987 fellow of the “Ordre des Architectes de l’Isle de France” in Paris where he operates as professional architect from 1990 to 2000 in partnership with Professor Andrea Bruno. From 2000 he operates in his personal Architectural Studio in Turin. Since 2010 lessons and workshops about ecologically sustainable buildings at Laval University in Quebec City, Turin and Milan Polytecnic, Curtin University of Technology in Perth and Australian RAIA. He pays particularly attention to the distinctive features of the context but he also carries out new building plans to improve energetic efficiency and minimize the impact on the environment.
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Luciano Pia Offices
Luciano Pia Turin
n/a, Turin, Italy