Drew Mandel Architects
Drew Mandel Architects
Drew Mandel Architects

Drew Mandel Architects

Drew Mandel Architects was established in Toronto, Canada in 2004. Projects include residences and interiors, commercial buildings and interiors, storefronts, landscapes, and product design. Dissolving boundaries, framing views, enhancing an experience, loving the rituals of the everyday - we attempt to derive the greatest potential from any given situation, whether it is a detail, the site, or the sky. Our architecture is not interested in assembling the cues that add up to 'house' and that do not contribute to the experience of a place. We are interested in creating meaningful, personally important places: spaces where one feels a deep and visceral connection. The work of the office is not concerned with the image of a thing only, or the easily consumed image, but rather, the slow unfolding experience of a place. Honours of Drew Mandel Architects include the City of Toronto Urban Design Awards, Azure Awards, the Ontario Association of Architects Awards of Excellence, Best of Canada Awards, and Interior Design Magazine's Best of the Year. Our work has appeared in numerous national and international publications and exhibitions, including Canadian Architect, Canadian Interiors, Dwell, Wallpaper*, Toronto Life, Azure, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, 1000 X Architecture of the Americas book, and Twenty + Change.
Our Projects
Drew Mandel Architects Offices
Drew Mandel Architects Toronto
19 Duncan St., #405, Toronto, Canada