Aalto University Environmental Art
Aalto University Environmental Art

Aalto University Environmental Art

The Degree Programme in Environmental Art challenges students to develop advanced artistic and conceptual skills for a wide range of spatial practices. It explores the human scale in a changing environment and fosters a creative/critical engagement with the surroundings that shape our human experience. Land art, installation art, site-specific art, public art, community process, street performance, social critique and urban intervention – all these, and others, make up a field that finds the content of art in its contexts and joins the impulse for ecological preservation with the urgent concern to understand the new physical, social and information spaces of our globalised reality. This programme prepares students to pursue their work in a variety of professional fields, whether as independent artists or as collaborators in projects involving installation, landscape design, urban planning or community development. Furthermore, it is assumed that students and graduates will be instrumental in pioneering new ways for artists to influence how our environments are designed and used.
Aalto University Environmental Art Offices
Aalto University Environmental Art Espoo
Lämpömiehenkuja 3, Espoo, Finland